Sunday, October 26, 2014

Donor's Choose

So, I have known about Donor's Choose for a while and after setting up a project and getting all the approvals I have finally posted my first project. I have a great group of 4th graders and I am wanting to get some iPad mini's for the classroom. I want to put some technology in their hands that can be used to create videos, help enhance one on one instruction and give students another educational outlet. I hope to get this project funded and get these iPads into my students hands very soon! I would love  if all of you great follower can help me get this funded. Thanks in advance for the help!
Have a great Sunday everyone!

Hi Friends,

I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed, so I just created a request for my classroom at
Help Make Us Technology Savvy!

Give to my classroom by November 1, 2014 and your donation will be doubled thanks to Just enter the code SPARK on the payment page and you'll be matched dollar for dollar (up to $100).

If you chip in to help my students, you'll get awesome photos and our heartfelt thanks.

Thanks so much,

P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help my classroom, please pass this along!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

So much going on!!!!

Wow these first few weeks have been CrAzY!!!!! I don't feel like I can slow down or catch up, but they have been wonderful. We have been doing a lot of great work and learning awesome new things. So this blog is just a hodge podge of everything that has been going on so far.

We have been learning all about matter and we have been doing centers to explore the different states and the kids have been loving it! It has been a real blast watching my 4th graders work through their stations and gain a better understanding of matter.

 We have also been learning all about the 3 regions of North Carolina. The kids have been working really hard on their code of arms and are really enjoying learning about their state. They also turned in the first 3 pages of the NC  ABC Notebook and they were really awesome.

We have also been spending a lot of time on the idea of place value. Deb Hanson has created some wonderful fall projects for math that my kids just loved. Can't wait for the parents to see them at open house on Thursday!

I am really enjoying 4th grade. I have an awesome group and I am loving every minute I have with them. I was so sad when I missed yesterday due to being sick but felt so loved when I came back and got hugs and was told how much they missed me! 4th grade is turning out to be everything I had hoped it would be!

Hope everyone has a great evening!
