Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday Scoop and Novemember Currently all rolled into 1!

Hello All!!!

Hope the new month is finding you well. I am linking up with two great blogs today. Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade and the Teaching Trio.

So, Sunday Scoop!
I need to finish my kids book reports. I have all their oral presentations grades done just need to finish the written part. I also have a new student starting tomorrow! I got to meet her Thursday and she is a doll. I just can't wait! Lastly, I have to figure out what we are doing for dinner. That's always so hard.
I have a stack of things I have used over the past 10 weeks that I need to get filed away for next year hopefully I can get that done. I also need to get to the gym more this week.!
Lastly, I am just going to enjoy spending time with my family! Nice relaxing day, yep I will take it.

November Currently
Listening- I am listening to season 7 of Gilmore Girls. I just love this show! It is so funny!
 Loving- Everything- Things are just really good right now. I am loving my job, I love the nice crisp weather. It's just great right now.
Thinking- I have got to make a list of what I have bought for Christmas so far and what I need to get. Black Friday and Christmas are right around the corner.
Wanting- I need to start emailing my husband Trashy crafters site so maybe he will get me something for Christmas. I just love her stuff!!!
Needing- I need to get my Donor's Choose project funded. It would just make things great to get it funded sooner rather than later. Here's the link if  you would like to help! Help Make Us Technology Savvy! 
Reading- I have my guided reading groups going and 3 different novels are being read so I am reading all of them to. It's been a lot of fun so far.

Well that is enough for now. Have a great Sunday all!!!!

Much love!!!



  1. Oh, I want one of those bracelets too! They are so cool!!!!
    enjoyed your Currently!

    Hodges Herald

  2. So glad that everything is good in your life right now and that you've taken a moment to realize that. Enjoy it, revel in it, and I hope the good continues for a long, long time.

    I'm jealous that you've started Christmas shopping. I've got to get on that (and quickly). You've motivated me to start my lists and hit the stores. Have a wonderful holiday season.


  3. I love the Gilmore Girls. And I love that it is now on Netflix. I also love those bracelets.
    Good luck this week=)
    ~lisa TGIF-Third Grade Is Fun

  4. I'd love to hear about whatever system you come up with! I am always struggling to figure out how to store things for the following year. Thanks for linking up!
    Chalk & Apples
    Teaching Trio

  5. Hi! I just nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my post to learn more! Your blog is awesome!
