Sunday, June 29, 2014

Peek at my week

I am linking up with Mrs. Laffin’sLaughings for peek at my week.

Monday is not going to be a fun day. A family friend passed way last week and we have to go to a funeral for him. I am glad my mother-in-law was in town for the funeral because I know she would have been very upset if she would have missed it.
My mother-in-law will also be heading home on Monday. We all hate to see her go. It’s sad only getting to see her about once a year. Hoping we can change that once Chris finishes school!
The rest of the week is pretty normal. I will be keeping my friend’s 2 kids and that is always an adventure with all 4 of ours together. Maybe a science experiment will be in the works.

Hey, Friday is the 4th of July. Hopefully we will cook out and get to see the fireworks.

Welp that’s my week,  so exciting huh? Hope everyone has a wonderful week!



  1. Thanks for linking up this week! I hope your week goes smoothly. Enjoy the 4th!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. Sorry for your loss. I hope your mother-in-law has a safe trip home. If you do an experiment make sure to share!!

    Happy 4th!

    Get Your Science on in Room 701
