Sunday, August 24, 2014

Look who I met today....

Okay, so like most every teacher I know, we all love a good book. One of my most favorite ones is The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka. Well today I got to meet him!!!! **Jumps around and does a happy dance** He has a new book Frank Einstein which is about a really smart kid who creates awesome things. It is the first book of a six book science series. I am so excited to read it with my fourth graders because the first book is about the scientific method and matter which is where we are starting at in science this year. 

Jon spoke for about 30 minutes and was just wonderful to listen to. The kids that were at the signing were so funny and asked and said some really funny things. I learned a lot about Jon and other books he has. I am very excited and hope to get some of his boy friendly books in my class room soon. I just love getting to meet people who enjoy helping and teaching children and who I love to learn from. Check your local Barnes and Nobles for authors coming to local stores!

I wonder who I will get to meet next?

Have a wonderful week friends!!!
