Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday

Hey everyone!!!

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday today!

So, let's get started!!

I had to figure out where my girls were going to go for after school care. My best friend, Jana, and I decide on the YMCA. With this we each got a family membership. So, since I had it I decide to take a class this week. On Monday I did Turbo Kick! It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it and cannot wait to go back this coming up Monday. Now, I just have to drag Jana up there with me!

I love my dear, sweet husband! Today he completes his first full week of work since he finished school. I am so proud of him. Two years ago when we switched places and I went to work and he went to school I was not sure if we would survive, money wise. Well we did and he graduated in May at the very top of his class! He got a job last Thursday and seems to be finding his groove. I know he is glad to be back at work bringing money in since he has been working since he was like 16. It also means our family will be free to do more things together!

These little guys will have a home in my new Erin Condren planner soon. It went from in production to in process. I figure that means it will be shipping soon. I cannot wait to get it in my hands!

Tomorrow, I am trusting my amazing hair stylist with my hair. Normally this is not a big deal for me. I love Jessica and she is amazing at what she does. However, we are going to be brave and do something a little different tomorrow. I will edit this post with a before and after picture tomorrow! So, come back to see what we did and let me know what you think!

Here are some pics on my hair!!!

Last but not least I will be doing a night, foam glow, 5K tomorrow! I am very excited. Also check back for some pictures from that!

Here are some pics from the run!


So, what 5 things do you want to share this week?


1 comment:

  1. It's so exciting when your EC planner is on the way. Mine should be here on Thurs. (but fingers crossed for sooner). Be sure to post pics when you get it! :D

