Friday, July 11, 2014

5 for Friday {7-11-2014}

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday!!!
 Let's get this little party started!!!

First, I have been working really hard this week on a lot of different things. One that has been a love and hate of mine I will be talking about more during Monday Made it, but here is a little peak, can't wait to show you all the whole thing!!
Do you know what it is? I loved how it turned out, but like I said come back Monday for the whole revel!!!

I opened a TPT store!!! I was driven to find something fun to use with my fourth graders for learning about North Carolina. So, I took the whole Uno idea and created a game for facts about North Carolina. Here is a little peak~~~>
I really hope they like it!!! Hey let's see if I can get some more followers to my store or even a couple of sales, I might just have to do a flash freebie then!

I have found a lot of great back to school stuff. I know, I know, it's July it BURNS!!!! But getting COLORED Sharpies for $1.50 a pack, I couldn't turn that deal down! Also got a TON of note books for 0.17 cents a piece!!! Plus, I picked up some great stuff at Target and Dollar Tree for a dollar each, books included!!!

My girls decided to runaway to the beach with my mom this week. They went over to stay with her Sunday night and came home last night. I did miss them, it was really quiet around my house. They had a lot of fun though, but I really need to get my mom a digital camera and teach her how to use it so I can have pictures!

Last but certainly not least I am letting you in on a giveaway! A new friend thanks to SLANT box hit some awesome milestones and is have a HUGE giveaway. So head on over to Funky in Fourth to see what's going on!!

Hope everyone has a great Friday and wonderful weekend. Remember pop on back on Monday for Monday Made It!!!



  1. Hi Lena!!! I'm a NC Blogger, too!!!! :) I'm your newest follower! Where are you at in NC? I'm in Craven County. I'm intrigued by your Monday Made It! I can't figure it out!
    Mixing it up in Middle

  2. I teach 3rd grade in Oklahoma (this will be my 1st year in 3rd). Oklahoma history is one all I am supposed to cover for Social Studies. I really like the Uno game. Thanks so much, I have been kind of stuck trying to figure out what I was going to do. The pink thing...right now no clue, but I'm interested.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

    1. I don't mind trying to put a set together if you will let me know what information you want.

  3. OK, you've got me hooked! What is your Monday Made It? Can't wait to see it!


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's so fun to meet other NC bloggers! I'm excited to see your Monday Made it project :)

    Carolina Teacher
