Wednesday, July 30, 2014

June/July SLANT Box

I was super excited when I came across Jameson's blog Lessons with Coffee and her wonderful SLANT Box (Sending Love Across the Nation to Teachers). I decided I would sign up and see what happened and let me tell you I am so glad I did!!

This month’s theme was SUNSHINE, which I definitely was happy about. Jameson paired me with two wonderful educators. I sent a box to Jane (Learning in the Little Apple). I spent a lot of time thinking about the theme and what to put in it and really hope she loved her box. Then Cassie (Funky in Fourth) sent me a box. I have really enjoyed getting to know both of these ladies over the past month. This whole blogging thing has introduced me to so many new people, and I am so glad!!!
So, I bet you want to know what I got!!! After waiting patiently (my husband would disagree) the box arrived this morning. Yes, I made Chris stop everything he was doing and bring me the box since I am keeping my friends wonderful kids! Well 2 little girls were all interested in what I got. I opened the box and took all my wonderful goodies out!!! (Sorry in advance for the pictures being sideways. Technology and I are not getting along today.)

Who doesn't love a good surprise?

 I was so happy with all the wonderful things Cassie sent me. I can't wait to hang my T up in my classroom! I also can't wait to use my pretty note cards and wear my new jewelry! Thanks Cassie for all the awesome goodies!!!

So, I will be doing SLANT box again!! If you want to join in on the love it is too late for August but September sign ups will be here before you know it. Just click the link below to get all the information.

 Have a great day everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the goodies you put into my SLANT box Lena! It made so happy to go through the box and see all the thought you put into picking things for me. It made my day!
    Have a sunshiny day!
    Learning in the Little Apple
